Fish Gelatine
Some information about Fish Gelatine.

- Extracted from Tilapia and Basa fish skins.
- Fish Gelatine is perfect for any recipe that calls for gelatine as well as for clarification.
- Fish gelatine has a lower gelling and melting point than gelatine produced from mammals (e.g. cow or pig skin).
- Our gelatine comes from Italy and (other than 5Kg’s) are now supplied in resealable pouches for optimal freshness!

What does Fish Gelatine – 150 Bloom mean?
“Bloom” is the strength measurement of gelatine, ranging from about 90 bloom (the weakest) to about 300 Bloom (strongest).
120 bloom is the average strength sold by supermarkets.
Somewhat confusingly, the word “bloom” is also used to describe the method of preparing the gelatine powder before use.
How to prepare (Bloom) the Fish gelatine for use
- First start by soaking the gelatine for 30 min’s or more in 3 to 4 times its own weight of cold water, or other liquid.
- Next, heat it up over some form of double boiler or in the microwave until it forms a clear liquid, but don’t allow the gelatine to boil, or use boiling water, as this affects the strength.
- Gelatine is also affected by what you are trying to gel, for example a liquid such as lemon juice will require more gelatine to set, than if you were using just water.
- Some fruits contain enyzmes, called proteases, which will prevent the gelatine setting, these include ‘Pineapple, Kiwi, Figs, Papaya, Mango, Guava and Ginger root’. So these fruits need to be heated to inactivate the enyzmes.
How much should I use?
This will of course depend on the consistency you are trying to achieve, however the following can be used as a guide:
Usage level | |
Dairy Products. | 0.2- 1.0% |
Gelatine Desserts | 7 – 9% |
Gummy Bears | 7 – 9% |
Marshmallows | 1.7 – 2.5% |
Bakery Fillings and Icings | 1 -2% |
Meat Products | 1 – 5% |
Wine, Beer, Juices | 0.002 – 0.15% |
Frozen Foods | 0.1 – 0.5% |
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