Pharmaceutical Gelatine

Our Pharmaceutical Gelatine is supplied by neoFroxx GmbH. This gelatine is supplied in 100g and 500g bottles. These two products both meet the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia (EP) and the National Formulary (NF)

TSE/BSE declaration: The product is manufactured wholly from bovine connective tissue and does not contain any raw materials produced from or substances derived of other animal origin. Moreover this product is not derived from specific risk materials as defined in Guideline EMEA/410/01 final Rev. 03/2004. All packaging materials are not of animal origin. The product does not come in contact with animal products during storage or transportation.


Parameter                                              Specification

  • Gelatinising capacity                               128 – 192 Bloom
  • Total aerobic microbial counts max.        1000 CFU/g
  • Identity                                                     passes test
  • Colony count (yeasts & moulds)              max. 100 CFU/g
  • Conductivity (1 % in water, 30 ± 1°C)      max. 1 mS/cm
  • pH (1 % in water, 55°C)                           3.8 – 7.6
  • Salmonella                                               negative
  • E. coli                                                       negative
  • Loss on drying                                         max.15 %
  • Peroxides                                                max. 0.001 %
  • Sulfur dioxide                                          max. 0.005 %
  • Cr                                                            max. 0.001 %
  • Fe                                                            max. 0.003 %
  • Zn                                                            max. 0.003 %

Please Note:

This gelatine is for pharmaceutical use only. Please look at our Beef, Pork, Fish, Chicken gelatine and Beef, Chicken and Marine collagen sections of this website if you are looking gelatine for food use or collagen for health reasons.

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