Beef Gelatine 250g 240 Bloom
Our Beef Gelatine 250g 240 Bloom powder, is easy to use and comes supplied with an information sheet on how to use it. Our Gelatine powder is a pure, natural protein.

Gelatine does not cause any known allergies, is 100 percent natural and is cholesterol, purine, carbohydrate and fat free.
We supply our gelatine as a straw coloured granular powder with no offensive taste or odour.
As gelatine is classified as a foodstuff, it is not a food additive with an E number. Gelatine is a natural and healthy food that has a long history with many uses.
All gelatine is a by-product of the meat industry. Factories produce highly refined gelatine. Gelatine is a pure collagenous protein made from animal raw materials. Beef gelatine is generally made from Split, which is the thin, collagen-containing layer of the cattle hide that lies between the epidermis and subcutaneous layer.
Blooming gelatine
Many people think that there is an art to using gelatine – but really it is more like a science and, as long as you follow a few simple rules you should get good results every time.
Soak the gelatine for 30 minutes or more in 3 to 4 times its own weight of cold water or other liquid
Heat this mixture up gently over some form of double boiler, or in the microwave, until it forms a clear liquid.
NB Never allow gelatine to boil, or use boiling water, as this affects the strength of the gelatine.

Find out more about “blooming” gelatine on my post ” Blooming gelatine”
There is a second meaning of the word “bloom”. Bloom indicates the gelling strength of the powder. Gelatine strength starts at approximately 90 Bloom (the weakest) to 300 Bloom (the strongest).
Find out more about our beef gelatine here.